College + Birthdays + Reflection
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(the shirt from my last post) |
These past two weeks have been pretty crazy so though I'll do my best to update you in one post, I'm not sure that it'd be entirely possible!
I'll start about a week and a half ago.
I had a temper tantrum because I hadn't purchased any new clothes in quite a while, and everyone knows that makes a girl like myself a little cranky so insert a few new pretties into the closet, and I was back to my normal self..
January 28 we went to dinner for my Dad's *gasp* 51st Birthday! Wooowee you're gettin' old big guy. Still no gray hair though, I'm sure my sister will fix in no time that now that she's in high school. We went to the Angus Barn in Raleigh-ish, his favorite!
On a completely different note, we received some horrible news on the way home. The following days were some of the worst and weirdest, yet most appreciative ones I've ever had. A 9th grade boy in my sister's class of about 30 students was tragically killed. I learned what an TRULY INCREDIBLE community my sister's school is through the response to his passing and how much love is in this town. I am so blessed to have such a great, healthy family and have God to thank for everything in my life; I don't ever want to forget that!! PLEASE keep his family in your prayers, I can't think of a more wonderful family and I know it's going to take a long time for them to heal.
That led to a few days of hugging, Bible reading and just reflection on my life. It was nice to have those few days of family time to get to truly appreciate what I have. I think this is a little deeper than I usually go so I hope I haven't scared any of you off but it's honest and I like to consider this blog a journal of sorts.
On Feb 1st, I recieved my first, drumroll please...
College Acceptance!!!! Woo!!! About time, right?
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Then, two days later I received my second acceptance:
I am waiting to hear from Clemson but now that I've heard from Furman I feel like I'm in a win-win situation. If I get into Clemson (which I'm currently leaning towards), I'll have the option to go there, and if I don't get in then I'll have some clarity and probably go to Furman!
I should hear from Clemson this week, so expect an update soon!
Maybe sometime in the near future I will be able to answer the annoying question that I get every week:
In all honestly I would LOVE to hear any advice you have on any of the schools I'm considering!
Others include: UNC, Wofford, NC State, South Carolina...
Thanks for reading, happy weekend!
Other than that I would go to (hate to say this) Auburn. My opinion is only from a sporting point of view though ;) LOVE the tope by the way, super adorable! Where did you get it?
I think you'd love either. Furman is the most competitive school in South Carolina to get accepted to (was just ranked second in the nation as most rigorous by Newsweek) so if you're leaning towards Clemson and you've already been accepted to Furman - you should definitely be accepted there too.
What an exciting time for you! I know you will have the absolute best time in college!
Congrats on your acceptances! I love UNC obviously by my blog but it wasn't my first choice and I felt that God sent me here. Just pray over your decision and you will be led on the path meant for you.
Ashley Ann