Random facts about the girl behind the blog..or behind THIS blog at least!
So because I have been such a slacker when it comes to keeping updated on the blog challenges and such that most have already completed, instead of making it official, I will just give ya'll some interesting facts about me! Before I begin I want to say thank you SO much to Portugese Prepster for giving me this award a while back I'm in love with her blog so please go check it out!
1. I was born in NC, lived here for one year, moved to Baltimore, MD, lived there for six/seven years, then moved back here in second grade and have been here ever since! GO RAVENS
2. I have attended private school since second grade and at times I wish I didn't go to such a small school, and at times I am glad I do (smaller class sizes, ability to play sports etc.) There are about four hundred people in the High School of my K-12 school.
2. I HATE women's sports (with exceptions, you'll see)..don't get me wrong, I've played lacrosse for some time but I am not a fan of watching women's sports..I'm just not. I'm not a feminist, or the opposite, it's just a preference thing I guess. LOVE football NFL or NCAA, college men's basketball (No WNBA for me, thanks) and men's lacrosse. That's pretty much it. Football is by far favorite. That being said, I do love watching women's gymnastics and ice skating and I think dancing is beautiful!
3. I love the beach and I miss it so very much each day, my grandparents live at their beach house on the coast of NC for nine months out of the year, and the others are spent either working at their hospitals in Haiti or walking across Europe. They have had this yearly schedule for as long as I can remember; they have the best hearts and relationship with Jesus I have ever seen, I admire them so much!
4. My college list has changes a THOUSAND times from desperately wanting to go to Duke, to considering Clemson, but the list is complete and as follows: UNC, UGA, Furman, or Wofford. All south of the Mason Dixon line and all very good schools in my opinion in great places with beautiful campus's!
5. I own a guitar, and took acoustic lessons for a few months but then stopped because of sports and have always wanted to start playing again! I know all the chords but I'd like to get pretty good some day. I have mastered "Our Song" and pretty much all Taylor Swift's songs but those are all I can play :) It's not a secret but I never tell people how much I play guitar! I definitely do more guitar than T.V.
6. I am applying to be a camp counselor this summer at Camp Seafarer in Arapahoe, NC! I am so stinkin' excited and my interview is in the next couple of weeks. This sounds pretty snobby to most I bet, but I've been going there my whole life, and my dad works there a week each summer as the doctor (He's an Orthopedic Surgeon) so I am pretty sure I am going to get the job and I can't wait!!
7. I love running, I'm training to run my first Half Marathon in South Carolina later this Spring with one of my friends! I hope that I follow through with doing it because I think it'll be so much fun, and there's no doubt that running is great for you! ;)
Alrighty, that's all the facts for now, there are PLENTY more to come soon! What are some things I should know about ya'll?! Comment telling me pu-lease ladies! xoxo, Virginia
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Are you still training for the half marathon in Charleston (which one?). I wanted to do the Cooper Bridge but I just don't have the time. So bummed :(