Weekend Recap/Superbowl Sunday!
Friday couldn't have been more exciting, crazy party and went to---haha KIDDING I stayed at home studying for the SAT which was rescheduled and planned on taking the test that I've been preparing for for the last several months, but arrived on site at 7:30 on the most disgusting rainy day and they weren't taking standby testers. YAY. There is 50% sarcasm in that because half of me is mad that I won't be able to take the test until May and the lazy half of me was thanking my lucky stars that I got to go back to sleep.

Also, this is all I've been eating since they came in the mail thursday or so. This is what you get sent in the mail when a Floridian stays in town for a couple days - YUM!
Saturday I went to a friend's dance birthday party for fifteen minutes before getting called home to babysit for my dad's friend - boo hiss, but ended up getting lost in downtown chapel hill on the way home due to the fact that A.) I had no clue where I was in the first place B.) It was pitch black C.) I have no GPS system, D.) I inherited my mother's directional skills and E.) my car window kept fogging up to make my view street signs even blurrier considering I wasn't wearing my contacts...woopsies.
Sunday (today) the fam went to our new church for the fourth week in a row and I've never been excited to go to church until now. Maybe it's gazillions of cute boys that go there, but maybe, just maybe it's because I actually like to listen to what this pastor has to say! Hey, even better it could be both :) Okay considering nobody's reading this anyhow I'll stop there but I could go on...
Now on the the SUPERBOWL at my friend's neighbors house whom I've never met- should be fun though LET'S GO PACKERS! Finally, no I am not a Packers fan just always root for whoever is playing the Steelers (who I bet will end up winning...) Go ravens! Hope everyone has had a great weekend and a great Superbowl Sunday! Can't wait for the commercials!
Love your blog too!
p.s. thanks for the comment :)